Bee of Importance

In times of severe forage shortages, the surrounding honeybee colonies will send out scouts; allowing the struggling hive to conserve their food reserves with low activity. Sadly, humans aren’t as supportive and willing to use their capabilities to help. In fact, we have left bees in landscapes around the world crippled and depleted to startling numbers. In spite of the fact that honeybee pollination accounts for a third of the world’s food supply, humans still blindly continue using pesticides, the exact thing that has been killing them so rapidly.  Although some people are aware and avoid using pesticides, there are other ways they can Bee of Importance for the benefit of bees.  A good start to making a difference; build a pollinator-friendly garden or if you're located in an urban area, having a porch and window planters would go a long way in helping the cause. The following pieces are to spread awareness to the problems that are threatening bees around the world.

PSA Video

The day in the life of a bee can hold beautiful moments, but some not so much. Join these bees on their daily adventures and learn all what they offer and the hardships they endure on a daily bases.

Postcard, Poster, Social Media Posts,
and Handouts



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